The Outside Dyers

The Outside Dyers is a small group of friends and family who have combined our varied skills to produce organic, vibrantly coloured, naturally dyed goods. Our conservation flock of Shetland and Shetland x Gotland fleece sheep are used to graze and help manage the rare chalk grassland on Hardwick Estate. In addition we have a mobile demonstration dye house and shop that can travel to events.

We are an environmentally minded organisation that wishes to promote the use of natural dyes and tread lightly on the earth. We gather and grow most of our dyestuffs from where we live. To find out more about our workshops and courses, or to purchase naturally dyed British wool socks, dyestuffs, dye plants or naturally dyed felting or spinning wool from our lovely sheep, tablet weaving yarn, embroidery silk and more please visit our website.