Firewood and timber

It is with some regret that we have taken the difficult decision to end Hardwick’s firewood round before the coming season.

We want to deeply thank our woodsman Tim Sheldon for his many years of hard work on this element of Hardwick’s business.  Tim will now be redeployed to varied work across a wide range of Hardwick’s activities which fit his skillset – from working on projects to deliver better ecological farm and woodland management, to utilising his woodworking and building skills within the Estate’s property portfolio.

We are aware that many of you have been loyal customers for many years, and we have been proud to provide you with a sustainably managed local product. We are very sorry to have to bring this to an end and hope that you will still continue to enjoy all that the Hardwick Estate has to offer. 

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A true ‘master of his trade’ – Tim Sheldon receives an award for forestry.